Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sing with Me

My brother just returned from Sharp Top Cove (a younglife camp) this morning.  I had assumed that he would have had a good time because I think it would have been impossible not to, but I just wasn't sure if he would admit to me that he did.  He wasn't too thrilled with the idea that I convinced my parents to send him.  Needless to say, he had a great time and absolutely loved it.  It's not my place to go into too much detail about it (at least not right now) but this afternoon, he called me over and asked me to sing with him as he played his guitar.  Now, I am not much of a singer unless I am in my car alone with the music loud enough that I can't hear myself, but this time I decided to make an allowance. I sat down on the floor next to him and he said to me, "Do you know this song? I love it. They played it at club." I just smiled and told him that I knew it and I loved it too. He began to play and we sang,

Amazing love, how can it be
That you my God, would die for me
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
I come and lay my burdens down

The song, Lay my Burdens Down 

I was in shock. This is not the kind of music my brother would have been playing, much less singing along to, a week and a half ago.  Just before he left, he asked me why I had to care so much about him because he didn't want to go. This is the answer.  So he can sing these words and know that our God would die for him because he loves him so. That moment, sitting next to my brother praising the Lord, is one I never want to forget.  I hope there will be many more to come. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Then and Now

My dad was nice enough to post a picture of his wedding on facebook yesterday so his 8 oh wait, he's up to 21, friends could see it.  I thought I would do him the pleasure of sharing it with every one else.  In case you read incorrectly yesterday, I feel the need to clarify that my father wore a white dinner jacket to his wedding, not a tux.  My sister and I have been corrected on that account many times.

So here they are, in all their 80's glory.  But hey, the 80's style is coming back so I am sure there will be a plethora of weddings looking just like this happening very soon. Be on the lookout on pinterest. Speaking of 80's fashion coming back, my mom met my dad in a pair of hideous high wasted floral pants.  And guess what's back in fashion- high wasted floral pants.  I don't understand either.

July 18, 1987

They seriously haven't changed a bit. Except my mom's hair is a bit less pouffy in the front. They just look so happy and in love and so beautiful/handsome. 

Since they are the cutest, they decided to dress up yesterday- my mom put her wedding dress back on and my dad put on an outfit that looks close to what he wore. Oh my, I just can't get over how precious they are. 

July 18, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Happy 25th Anniversary!

25 years ago my parents were young and in love and said I do.
They've been married for 25 years.
I know how lucky I am to have parents that are still together and still love each other.
I know that it is unfortunately rare these days and I am so thankful for their commitment to each other.
For their love
Their example
Their advise
For showing my what a loving marriage looks like
Showing me how to treat your spouse
How to treat your children
To love your children
How to have a good relationship

I pray that I will find some one to have this type of love with one day. This kind of relationship.
 I pray that I will celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary one day.
I can't wait to see my parent's celebrate their 50th and 75th (even though they'll be old and may not remember what's happening- kidding dad).

I wish I had a picture here of my mom and dad on their wedding day.  Looking all fancy.  My mom in her beautiful dress (even if it did have pouffy sleeves) and my dad in his white suite with pink bow tie. Perhaps I will be able to post one of those gems soon.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! I love you both so much.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Hopper

This past weekend, our favorite roommate who is not living with us anymore came to visit.  I wrote ex-roommate at first but I felt like that sounded too much like being an ex-con which clearly does not have a good connotation.  I cannot even begin to express how good it was to see her! We hadn't seen each other since my birthday party in the beginning of May so it basically felt like forever.

Me, Harper, Logan 
Harper's birthday was earlier in the week but Logan (one of my other roommates) and I  decided we would celebrate her when she came to visit.  She didn't really have any idea so it was fun surprising her with presents and a delish dark chocolate cake. Seriously, that cake is so good.  I just had a piece and it is tempting me to have another. Just say no Caroline, just say no... 
Anyways, we went to the pool, went out, went to this really cute little Asian restaurant Jasmine's so she could get sushi (and where Logan and I ate stir fry) and just had fun being together.  That sounds corny but it is true! 

It's been weird not having her living with us this summer.  It usually just feels like she's at work or something and she'll be back so I know this fall, it'll be really weird not having her with us all the time. She promised that she'll come back in the fall to make us pizza because she perfected her recipe and I'll definitely be holding her to that!  It's also funny because there's a commercial on TV right now for The Hopper (some sort of TV thing) and I swear it sounds like they're saying Harper.  So it's just another sad/funny reminder of her every time it comes on TV and I think I hear someone saying her name:

Love you da Harper! 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July Rockets- DIY

In an attempt to make my home more festive (when my sister came to visit) we decorated for the 4th of July and the olympics.  We made these super easy but really cute 4th of July rockets!  These are perfect to hang over your fireplace or kitchen table. 


  • Patriotic Scrapbook paper
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Tape
  • Stapler
  • Ribbon

First, chose your paper and decide how long you want your rockets to be. For this one, I cut the paper in half. 

 Roll them up like a toilet paper roll.  I added tape half way through and then kept rolling. 

Tape together 

 Using a bowl or another round item, trace a circle.  This will become the top to the rocket. 

Cut out your circles

Cut a slit in the circle to the middle

 Fold so it becomes a top and then staple 

 Thread the ribbon through the top 

 Thread the ribbon from the top through the tube. Make sure you leave enough coming out of the top because that's what it will hang from. Use tape to attach the top to the bottom. 

 Tape more ribbon into the tube 

 Hang from the ceiling

 I just think they are the cutest! They are so easy but they add such a nice touch. 

Happy 4th of July! 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weekend Recap

This past weekend, my mom and sister came to visit me on their way back from Atlanta and we had a grand old time.  I wish they could have stayed longer but sister had a party to go to the next evening. Party animal.  Anyways, I made a delicious dinner based off of a pinterest recipe I found (I had to tweak it a bit because sister dear is a veggie) but it was oh so yummy. We also had salad so it wasn't a total carb load.  We decorated for the 4th of July and happily realized that the decorations could stay up longer because of the olympics (Go 'merica and Italia).

Tutorial for this coming tomorrow

Fresh Georgia Peaches 

This matchy matchy 4th of july outfit wasn't planned 

I also went to see this with my roommate:

Magic Mike for those of you who have been under a rock for the past month or so.
It was entertaining but I can't say I really liked it. I don't know. I have four main thoughts/problems with it:
  1. There was so much cursing. Seriously, the f bomb was dropped about 200 times and no, that's not an exaggeration 
  2. There was a lot of nakedness, obviously, but I saw more men booties then I cared to. 
  3. Matthew McConaughey's character was so odd and annoying. Not a fan
  4. The story just kind of ended. I wanted to know what happened with some of the characters but no, end credits instead.
I will say that Channing Tatum looked hot. And let's be real, that the reason I went. I did leave feeling like I needed a shower and to read to bible or something.  I am sort of naive maybe(?) and parts of the movie made me feel uncomfortable.  I think my roommate summed it up the best when she said she felt like she cheated on her boyfriend and she doesn't even have one. hahaha. I don't either but it was funny.

So that was my weekend.  There was some pool time mixed in but no pictures to prove it because, let's be honest for a second, no one wants to see any more pictures of people feet by a body of water.  

Have a Happy 4th of July! I wouldn't mind seeing the Magic Mike 4th of July show tomorrow... okay enough.  Peace out 

Monday, July 2, 2012

You tah (Part 1)

I love this picture. I think boy looks like the old man from UP. 
I love the outdoors and I especially love hiking.  My sister, not so much (but I think now she might). So for her graduation, my mom planned a family vacation to Utah to hike.  Sister was not too pleased but the rest of us were.  Once we got there and saw the beauty that surrounded us, I think she was okay with the idea.

We flew into Las Vegas and spent one night there. And one night was really all we needed.

We took in the sites, died of heat stroke, gambled and drank.  And by gambling and drinking I mean I put approximately $4 into slot machines and consumed one raspberry mojito.

But now I can successfully cross Vegas off my list.

The next morning, we drove to Utah and went directly into Zion National Park.  Oh my word, I can not even being to tell you or describe how beautiful it was.  I honestly think that between my mom and myself, we said the phrase, "It's so beautiful" two hundred times easily. Poor brother was so sick of hearing it by the end of the trip. 

I'll try not to picture overload too much so here's just a few of Zion and our hike to the Emerald Pools. 

My favorite picture of the entire trip. 

Since this is already so long and has entirely too many pictures, I'll stop here for the day. I guess there will be many blog parts to this trip.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Out with the old

You know the saying, out with the old, in with the new, right? Well that's exactly what I am doing with this here blog.  I dappled in blogging when I moved to Italy for four months and wanted to continue when I came back, but it just didn't feel right.  I have missed this creative outlet so I decided to give it another go, but this time it would be with a fresh start...or fresh blog.

Now that you've sat through that, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Caroline and I am going to be a senior at Florida State University, possibly the best college in the world. I love all things crafty, to exercise and run, eating and baking, and enjoying life.  So this blog will be about everything and anything- some DIY's, recipes, my take on college and applying to grad schools, travel and the mundane moments of my life that I hope not to forget.  There will be fun up in here though, don't you worry about that.  Oh and if you hate cats, please don't run away just because there's a picture of me and my cat. He's the only cat I like, I swear, so this isn't some crazy cat ladies blog. On that note, have a great day friends.