You know the saying, out with the old, in with the new, right? Well that's exactly what I am doing with this here blog. I dappled in blogging when I moved to Italy for four months and wanted to continue when I came back, but it just didn't feel right. I have missed this creative outlet so I decided to give it another go, but this time it would be with a fresh start...or fresh blog.
Now that you've sat through that, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Caroline and I am going to be a senior at Florida State University, possibly the best college in the world. I love all things crafty, to exercise and run, eating and baking, and enjoying life. So this blog will be about everything and anything- some DIY's, recipes, my take on college and applying to grad schools, travel and the mundane moments of my life that I hope not to forget. There will be fun up in here though, don't you worry about that. Oh and if you hate cats, please don't run away just because there's a picture of me and my cat. He's the only cat I like, I swear, so this isn't some crazy cat ladies blog. On that note, have a great day friends.
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